Home :: Embellishments :: Fa-BOO-lous Halloween: Cluster Frames by LDragDesigns

Fa-BOO-lous Halloween: Cluster Frames by LDragDesigns

Fa-BOO-lous Halloween: Cluster Frames by LDragDesigns

Celebrate this Halloween with a Fa-BOO-lous Collection.

Full of beautiful  halloween elements, carved pumpkins,

and traditional halloween colours.

This product contains

4 cluster frames saved in shadowed and non-shadowed versions in png format

This product coordinates with

Fa-BOO-lous Halloween

Fa-BOO-lous Halloween: Journal Cards

Fa-BOO-lous Halloween: Alphas

Fa-BOO-lous Halloween: Worn Out Papers

Fa-BOO-lous Halloween: Embossed Papers

Fa-BOO-lous Halloween: Glitterstyles

But if you want to have them all you can have the Collection

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SKU ldrag_fh_clfr
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 40.08MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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