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Fall Friends {The Kit}

Fall Friends {The Kit}

The weather is finally cooling and the animals are coming out of the forest to play! Fall Friends is a fun kit to help you scrap your Autumn time memories. This kit has a Full Uppercase/Lowercase Alpha, Numbers, and some Punctuation, 24 Papers, 10 Cardstock Papers, and 50 Elements. Elements Included are: Apple, Banner, Berries, Bird, 2 Bows, Branch, 3 Buttons, Deer, 6 Flowers, Fox, 3 Frames, Graffiti, Hedge Hog, 2 Leaves, Log, 2 Mushrooms, Owl, Pear, Pumpkin, Raccoon, 5 Ribbons, 2 Ric Racs, Scattered Acorns, Scattered Leaves, Skunk, Squirrel, Staples, Stitches, 2 Strings, Stump, 2 Tags

SKU CDSS_FallFriendsKit
Our price: $5.00
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