Home :: Actions and Styles :: First Day To (Online) School: Glitterstyles by LDragDesigns

First Day To (Online) School: Glitterstyles by LDragDesigns

First Day To (Online) School: Glitterstyles by LDragDesigns

2020  Education has taken many forms and nowadays due to covid coronovirus the way our children are educated has completely changed. In some countries schools will be only online, in some other countries children should attend with the use of a mask and practice social distancing. This huge collection tries to show all those aspects that children will face or have faced so far.

This product contains

14 seamless glitters to add a touch of sparkle to your layouts, designed to coordinate with

First Day To (Online) School kit and pieces. Included are an ASL style set for PS and

1000x1000. png sheets for other programs.

This product coordinates with

First Day To (Online) School: The kit

First Day To (Online) School: Cluster Frames

First Day To (Online) School: Journal Cards

First Day To (Online) School: Alphas

First Day To (Online) School: Worn Out Papers

First Day To (Online) School: Embossed Papers

but if you want to have them all

and SAVE even more you can have the Collection

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SKU ldrag_fdtos_glitters
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 73.49MB
Download Time
5 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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