Home :: Templates :: Focus Group 6-9 Templates NSD Bundle by Miss Fish

Focus Group 6-9 Templates NSD Bundle by Miss Fish

Focus Group 6-9 Templates NSD Bundle by Miss Fish

Focus Group 6-9 Templates NSD Bundle by Miss Fish

16, 12x12 Templates with your choice of either a large blended photomask or a large traditional photo spot, both are included on the template files. Pair this large photo with smaller accent photos and room for journaling to help you create a beautiful page for your memories. The Focus Group Series work together to help you create your own photobook or photo album. It's like getting two templates in one!! 

This Template Bundle Includes:  Focus Group 6, Focus Group 7, Focus Group 8, and Focus Group 9 Templates all in one colleciton for a reduced price. 

Templates come in PSD TIFF PAGE and individual PNG files. Shadows are for preview purposes only.

S4H, S4O, S4CT only, no other commercial use is allowed.

Release 5/6/22

SKU MFish_FocGrp6-9Bun
Market price: $17.00
Our price: $12.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 726.88MB
Download Time
53 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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