Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Fresh As A Daisy Digital Scrapbook Bundle

Fresh As A Daisy Digital Scrapbook Bundle

Fresh As A Daisy Digital Scrapbook Bundle

Purchase the Fresh As A Daisy products together as a bundle and save. As a Thank You for your purchase of this bundle I have included a set of FREE 8 12x12 Glitter Papers for you. The Bundle includes:

Fresh As A Daisy Digital Scrapbook Kit
Set of 32 Pattern Papers
Set of 10 Worn Wood Papers
Set of 6 Cluster Seals
Set of 4 12 inch Page Borders
Set of 8 Alphabets
Free set of 8 12x12 Glitter Papers
SKU oll_freshdaisy_bundle
Market price: $16.00
Our price: $6.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 437.33MB
Download Time
32 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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