Home :: Alphas :: Garden Party - Alpha Pack AddOn by Connie Prince

Garden Party - Alpha Pack AddOn by Connie Prince

Garden Party - Alpha Pack AddOn by Connie Prince

Are you ready for spring? I know I am! And ready to get out and have a GARDEN PARTY! Connie Prince has got us started for a spectacular garden party by filling our digi plots with blooms, bunnies, tea cups and cakes. You’ll find balloons, butterflies, doilies and ribbons to decorate your layouts with fresh, fun and fancy frivolity. The palette is a perfect spring pastel pink, blue, green and yellow. There are numerous papers in amazing patterns and subtly textured solids. There is also an alpha set complete with upper, lower and punctuation . Add-on sets include a paper set of geometric patterns, word art/element title clusters, messy papers, and six additional alphas.

Garden Party - Alpha Pack AddOn by Connie Prince. Includes 6 alphas in colors blue, green, pink, tan, teal, & yellow. Each alpha contains upper & lower case letters, numbers, & common punctuation.

SKU cap_gardenpartyAPAO
Market price: $2.99
Our price: $2.99 $1.50 On Sale On Sale
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