Genetic Generation by ADB Designs is a collection designed around helping you scrap the information you or another family member received when completing a DNA test. Exciting and interesting and sometimes surprising results are received. With a full accompaniment of flowers, foliage, ribbons and fasteners, you may scrap regular heritage pages as well as those related to DNA results.
The popularity of DNA testing has exploded over the last 10 years. Wonderful TV shows have populated the airwaves too, from The Genetic Detective (props to CeCe Moore) to Henry Gates Jr. on PBS many genealogists were encouraged to jump into the DNA pool.
Included in the Genetic Generation Masks by ADB Designs
4 large photo or background masks
Each product is offered individually for your convenience; however, the bundle is always your best value.
Information about this product:
300 ppi for quality printing results
Personal Use [PU, S4H, S4O]
Elements are provided in PNG format, various sizes.
Sizes are reduced for preview purposes
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