Home :: Embellishments :: Give Me a Break {Photo Overlays}

Give Me a Break {Photo Overlays}

Give Me a Break {Photo Overlays}
Layout art created by tanpopo Layout art created by niblyandia-11 Layout art created by lencik-vredniy Layout art created by Layout art created by Mother Bear Layout art created by Olivia123 Layout art created by Olivia123 Layout art created by Chaos Lounge Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by jirsev Layout art created by Grazyna Layout art created by RJMJ Layout art created by anny-libelle Layout art created by Svetlanka Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by bryanna Layout art created by janik Layout art created by Renee Layout art created by janik Layout art created by RJMJ Layout art created by oscaralley


This product includes:

  •  6 photo overlays with photo masks to fit each size



All designs were created at 300ppi for excellent print quality.

It is possible that some sample layouts shown in the "Detailed Images"
may include papers/elements/wordart, that are NOT included with this product.


SKU Jumpstart_GMAB_PhotoOL
Our price: $4.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 39.39MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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