Home :: Templates :: Go Getters 3 & 4 Templates by Miss Fish

Go Getters 3 & 4 Templates by Miss Fish

Go Getters 3 & 4 Templates by Miss Fish

Go Getters 3 & 4 Templates by Miss Fish offers the perfect mix of a large blended photo mask with traditional photo spot, lots of flowers and tropical leavess for lovely pages. Templates come in PSD, TIFF, PAGE and individual PNG files. Shadows are for preview purposes only and are not included in the layered template files. **These templates were previously sold at another store, please check your stash before purchasing.**

SKU MFish_GoGet3&4
Our price: $4.40
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 281.53MB
Download Time
20 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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