Meet me by the campfire. I have the sticks and chocolate. You bring the marshmallows and graham crackers. What have we got? We've GOT S’MORES!!! That time-honored, ooey-gooey, campfire tradition never goes out of style. Do you like ‘em golden brown or burnt to a crisp? Do you like the chocolate and cream all melty, running down your chin or do you have to have a napkin? Here’s the kit for you. It’s got the campfire. It’s got sticks long enough you won’t burn yourself. It’s even got a double-sticker in case you want to make one for that special someone or have a double all to yourself. The colors are golden brown, chocolate brown, and brown… well, you get the idea, with a dash of coral and lime green thrown in. You’ll find all the fixins’ and so much more. There are buttons and florals, ribbons and leaves, stars, twine and tape. The papers have some great patterns and subtle textures. The word art is clever and delicious and there are two full alphas to complete the set.
This huge kit contains 38 beautifully textured papers, 92 fun elements and two full alphabets. Both alphabets contain individual uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and some punctuation as well as full sheets. All items were created at 300 DPI, perfect for printing.
Elements include:
1 arrow
1 banner
2 bows
5 brads
5 buttons
1 campfire
3 chocolate bars in wrappers
2 chocolate bars
1 clipping mask
4 curling ribbons
8 assorted flowers
1 frame
1 graffiti
2 graham cracker boxes
1 graham cracker
2 hearts
7 labels
8 leaves / stems
2 bags of marshmallows
2 marshmallows on sticks
3 marshmallows
1 netting
1 page title
1 paper clip
4 quote cards
3 quote stickers
2 quote strips
1 ribbon
1 ricrac
1 scalloped border
1 scatter
2 s'mores
1 staple
2 stars
2 layered stitches
4 strings
1 tag
2 pieces of tape |