Home :: Embellishments :: Hallow Kitty BORDERS by Heather Z Scraps

Hallow Kitty BORDERS by Heather Z Scraps

Hallow Kitty BORDERS by Heather Z Scraps

Halloween is all about tradition: dressing up, making jack-o-lanterns, and trick-or-treating. One of the most iconic images associated with Halloween is a black cat and Hallow Kitty pays tribute to this fantastic feline. This kit pairs the traditional black and orange color palette with olive, cream, and brown for a subdued seasonal feel. Warm, autumnal flowers and leaves pair nicely with thematic elements like cauldrons, pumpkins, a toad, a crescent moon, a broom, and the eponymous black cats themselves. Hallow Kitty plays nice with other favorite fall photos, making it more versatile than a lot of other Halloween kits. So give yourself a treat today and scrap a page with Hallow Kitty – no tricks needed!

This pack includes:

6 doodled borders

  • orange and yellow stripes
  • multicolor boxes
  • doodled circles
  • half scallop with black and orange dots
  • multicolor dots
  • pumpkins
SKU HZ_kitty_borders
Our price: $3.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 11.39MB
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