Home :: Embellishments :: Happy Camper Critters by Let Me Scrapbook

Happy Camper Critters by Let Me Scrapbook

Happy Camper Critters by Let Me Scrapbook
Layout 1 Layout 2

The mountains are calling and I must go. Camping is my happy place! I love spending time with our family and watching our baby-grands experience the wonders of nature and enjoy the outdoors the same way our kids did when they were younger. My “Happy Camper” collection is filled with lots of fun and unique themed and general use elements and papers to help you document your beloved memories and design your own beautiful and meaningful digital scrapbooking pages and other craft items.

This digital scrapbook product has 50 elements you can easily mix and match with my other “Happy Camper” packs. Elements included are: an ant, arrow (for bow), 2 bears, beaver, bee, bow (for arrow), branch, butterfly, cattails, 2 deer, dog, duck, fish, fishing pole, fox, grass, gun, hedgehog, knife, 2 ladybugs, log, 2 mountains, 4 mushrooms, owl, 4 paw prints, rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, 10 tags, tree stump, and word art. Note: Layouts may contain items from other products.
SKU lms-HappyCamper-Critters
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 40.94MB
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3 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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