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Happy Halloween - elements

Happy Halloween - elements
Happy Halloween - elements by HeartMade Scrapbook Happy Halloween - bundle by HeartMade Scrapbook

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It's Halloween; everyone's entitled to one good scare.

Full size, the elements are in. png, 300 dpi. 

Elements pack contains 128 elements including banners, bats, beads, blings,  boo, bows, broom, butterflies, buttons, candelabra, candy, castle, cats, cauldron, charm, cookie, cup cakes, eyes, flairs, flowers, foliage, frames, ghosts, grave, hat, heart, labels: wicked, ghosts & goblins, light box: happy Halloween, owes, paints, paper, potions, pumpkins, scatters, spider, spider web, stars, strings, titles: Bewitching, memories, spooktacular, trick or treat, wicked, boo, halloween, spooky, word strips.



SKU HMS027_elements
Market price: $6.99
Our price: $5.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 207.30MB
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