Home :: Quick Pages and Albums :: Henhouse Harvest {Quick Pages}

Henhouse Harvest {Quick Pages}

Henhouse Harvest {Quick Pages}
Layout art created by Sheri Layout art created by Renee Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by bryanna Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by janik Layout art created by jirsev Layout art created by janik Layout art created by Renee Layout art created by Olivia123 Layout art created by Olivia123 Layout art created by nibylandia-11

Autumn is all about the changing leaves and the last vegetable harvests, and so are most of the seasonal kits. Why not change things up a bit? Henhouse Harvest draws inspiration from those lovely little hens who keep laying eggs, even as the days get shorter and colder. This warm and cozy kit is full of cozy henhouse-inspired details, including a decorative hen, a couple of chicks, and close to a dozen eggs in fun fall patterns.  Henhouse Harvest also comes with some more playful elements, including a shower of confetti, fluffy textured clouds, two birdhouses, a pumpkin, and some fun textured flowers. No flock of your own? No problem. This kit plays well with other kits to help you stretch your stash. Enjoy a bounty of exciting new autumn layouts with  Henhouse Harvest.

Download includes:

6 quick album pages


All designs were created at 300 ppi for excellent print quality.

NOTE: It is possible that some sample layouts may have been designed using a template, and/or may include papers, elements or wordart, that are not included with this product.


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SKU Jumpstart_HHHarvest_QP
Our price: $6.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 106.81MB
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7 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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