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Here Comes Trouble {Papers}

Here Comes Trouble {Papers}
Layout art created by Chaos Lounge Layout art created by janik Layout art created by lady22 Layout art created by Seattle Sheri Layout art created by lady22 Layout art created by janik Layout art created by lady22 Layout art created by Lana Beber

We all love the children in our lives but sometimes, their antics can be a little harder to appreciate in the moment. But once we stop stewing about it, we might as well scrap the stories for posterity. Here Comes Trouble is tailor-made for those mischievous moments that we’ll want to remind them of for years to come. The tranquil greens, blues, browns, and neutrals have a calming effect that will come in handy when dealing with kids. Flowers, buttons, leaves, and frames add a playful touch, while the journal cards, labels, and word art tell the story of some questionable choices. Then there are times when it’s not just the kids behaving badly and Here Comes Trouble has that handled too. Tucked away among the word art are a few phrases specifically addressing some of the trouble the adults can create. There are even coordinating templates, complete with photos hanging askew after the miniature whirlwinds have come through. Document those moments you’ll laugh about later - much, much later - and all the mischief you might even miss some day with Here Comes Trouble.

Download includes:  

  • 14 patterned papers
  • 11 plain papers


All designs were created at 300 ppi for excellent print quality.

NOTE: It's possible that some sample layouts have been designed using a template, and/or includes papers, elements or wordart, that are not included with this product.


If you have any questions, you may email me at JumpstartDesignsInc@gmail


SKU Jumpstart_HCT_PPRS
Our price: $4.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 59.30MB
Download Time
4 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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