Home :: Quick Pages and Albums :: Here, There, Everywhere Quick Pages by Scraps N Pieces

Here, There, Everywhere Quick Pages by Scraps N Pieces

Here, There, Everywhere Quick Pages by Scraps N Pieces

Adventure can be found everywhere, if only you take a moment to look. Here, There, Everywhere! is the perfect kit for scrapping those moments of learning and adventure wherever you can find them. This candy-colored kid features a hand-drawn art style, whimsical patterned papers, and enough fun objects to stuff a toddler's pockets.  There is much magic to be found in this kit and it might just make you start writing in rhyme. If your favorite stories take you on adventures - real or imagined - you'll love Here, There, Everywhere!

Contains 12 pages with spots for 44 photos

Quickpages are flattened PNG files, not layered files.

Our price: $4.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 151.96MB
Download Time
11 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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