Home :: Kits :: Here to Serve MEGA Kit by The Scrappy Kat

Here to Serve MEGA Kit by The Scrappy Kat

Here to Serve MEGA Kit by The Scrappy Kat

You will find all you need to scrap your favorite American heroes in this military themed kit, “Here to Serve”. It is filled with 175 elements (including: army jeep, parachute with package, dog tags, helicopter, jet, tank, helmet, boots, sailor cap, anchor, metal, soldiers, sailors, officers, arrows, stars, ribbons, flowers, journaling tags, clips, stitches, buttons, scatters and more!). It also includes 14 cardstocks and 24 patterned papers.
SKU SKU105370
Our price: $8.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 429.60MB
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31 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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