Home :: Templates :: Holiday Travelers Notebook 4 Templates by Miss Fish

Holiday Travelers Notebook 4 Templates by Miss Fish

Holiday Travelers Notebook 4 Templates by Miss Fish

Holiday Traveler's Notebook #4 brings you 4 fun holiday styled templates with a traveler's notebook look to document your favorite holiday adventures.  Whether you are scrapping this year or memories from the past, this template set makes it fun, fast and easy to get your pages completed.  Just pair it with your favorite digital scrapbook kit tom ake the page truly yours!

Templates come in PSD, TIFF, PAGE and individual PNG layered formats.  Shadows are for preview purposes only and are not included on the layered template files. 

**This pack was previously releasted with the Holiday Traveler's Notebook Bundle 2** Please check your stash before purchasing

Check out the whole 2020 Holiday Traveler's Notebook Collection here:  Holiday Traveler's Notebook Bundle 2 (2020) by Miss Fish

SKU MFish_HolTravNtb_4
Our price: $4.40
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 80.00MB
Download Time
5 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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