Home :: Bundled Goodies :: I've Never Been This Old:Bundle by Memory Mosaic

I've Never Been This Old:Bundle by Memory Mosaic

I've Never Been This Old:Bundle by Memory Mosaic
Elements words paint patterned papers solid papers Tineke 1 Em Tineke 2 ScrappyDel

This is the first in my limited series of kits based on funny sayings or quotes. This one is all about growing old. Have your ever just looked in the mirror and wondered how in the world can that older lady looking back at you be you? LOL! I turned 60 years old this year, and it still takes me by surprised that I am that old!

Included in this kit:

• 60 elements
• 5 large paint elements
• 20 patterned background papers
• 10 solid background papers

Information about this product:
• 300 dpi for quality printing results
• Personal Use Only [PU] / Scrap for Hire [S4H]
• Elements are provided in PNG format
• Papers are provided in JPG format; 12” x 12”

Please be aware that the product listings may have sample scrapbook pages as additional images on the product page. The example layouts may use templates that are NOT included in the product. The example layouts may use word art, fonts, small elements or basic items (such as staples or brads etc) that are NOT included in the product. Please be sure to refer to the product description and the product PREVIEW for an exact list of what is included. If you have any question please contact us prior to purchasing. Contact us via the "Contact Us" link and provide a link to the product in question and specifics about the item in question.

SKU SKU79209
Our price: $7.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 190.43MB
Download Time
14 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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