Home :: Kits :: Independence Day - Kit by Connie Prince

Independence Day - Kit by Connie Prince

Independence Day - Kit by Connie Prince

Independence Day - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes: 16 patterned papers, 7 solid papers, 1 border, 1 bow, 6 buttons, 4 ephemera elements, 2 firework bursts, 1 flag, 6 flowers, 1 blue frame, 1 tan frame, 2 inked spots, 1 4th of July label, 1 America label, 1 Fireworks label, 1 Independence Day label, 1 Memorial Day label, 3 paper flowers, 3 ribbons, 1 ribbon flower, 2 rockets, 6 stars, 1 statue of liberty silhouette, 1 twig, 1 little Uncle Same, 1 USA blocks, 1 Let Freedom Ring wordart, 1 alpha / numeral set (includes letters, common punctuation & numbers ). Scrap for hire / others ok.
SKU cap_inddaykit
Market price: $6.99
Our price: $6.99 $3.50 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 206.75MB
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