Home :: Templates :: June Template Bundle by ScrapChat Designs

June Template Bundle by ScrapChat Designs

June Template Bundle by ScrapChat Designs

June Template Collection contains 16 12x12 templates with PSD, TIFF and PNG all saved in individual layers. All 16 are only $6.00 when you buy the collection. This is over a 60% savings.

Picture waves of color flowing through the Every Day Waves four template set. Plenty of layers to showcase not only your favorite photos but your favorite patterned or cardstock papers!

Great Line of Templates five is just that another great group of templates to help you start on the road to a beautiful layout or more! This month featuring arrows and triangles.

Pocket Strategies Four helps you do many photos at one time while leaving room for accents or memorabilia from your trip, school year or family outing. This set will lend itself to any subject. This was created with 4x4 journal cards in mind.

Stripe Mania is filled with possibilities. Use all the stripe layers or just a couple to create unique patterns and looks.

Layouts shown may contain products not included in this pack. Copyright ScrapChat Designs

Shadows shown for preview only.
SKU SKU84048
Market price: $15.96
Our price: $5.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 98.50MB
Download Time
7 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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