Home :: Kits-Mini :: Life Chronicled - Christmas MiniKit by Connie Prince

Life Chronicled - Christmas MiniKit by Connie Prince

Life Chronicled - Christmas MiniKit by Connie Prince

Life Chronicled - Christmas MiniKit by Connie Prince. Includes 5 papers & 17 elements including: 1 bow, 1 candy cane charm, 1 ephemera element, 3 flowers, 1 gingerbread man, 1 Christmas Memories label, 1 ornament, 1 poinsettia, 1 ribbon, 1 snowman face, 2 stars, 1 stocking, 1 mistletoe twig, 1 holiday word. Scrap for hire / others ok.

SKU cap_LCChristmasMK
Market price: $3.99
Our price: $3.99 $2.00 On Sale On Sale
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