Home :: Templates :: Life Chronicled: Storyteller - 12x12 Templates (CU Ok) by Connie Prince

Life Chronicled: Storyteller - 12x12 Templates (CU Ok) by Connie Prince

Life Chronicled: Storyteller -  12x12 Templates (CU Ok) by Connie Prince
Life Chronicled: Storyteller by Connie Prince Life Chronicled: Storyteller by Connie Prince Life Chronicled: Storyteller by Connie Prince Life Chronicled: Storyteller by Connie Prince

Life Chronicled: Storyteller - 12x12 Templates (CU Ok) by Connie Prince. Includes 4 12x12 templates, saved as layered PSD & TIF files as well as individual PNG files. Also, includes layered .page files for use with SBC+3, SBC 4 & Panstoria Artisan software. Scrap for hire / others ok. Commercial Use Ok, NO credit required.
SKU cap_LCStorytellertemps
Market price: $3.99
Our price: $3.99 $2.00 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 33.09MB
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2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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