Home :: Embellishments :: Life in the Time of Corona Messy Edges by Aimee Harrison and Tami Miller

Life in the Time of Corona Messy Edges by Aimee Harrison and Tami Miller

Life in the Time of Corona Messy Edges by Aimee Harrison and Tami Miller

As a world, we are experiencing unprecidented times. This Collection is dedicated to all of us in quarantine across the world as we battle this illness.

Our Life in the Time of Corona Messy Edges include:
6 12x12.png files.

These Messy Edges are PU/S4O/S4H friendly.

Copyright 2020 Aimee Harrison and Tami Miller

SKU aimeeh-tmd_corona_me
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 66.03MB
Download Time
4 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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