Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Little MVP: Dive Team BUNDLE by Heather Z Scraps

Little MVP: Dive Team BUNDLE by Heather Z Scraps

Little MVP: Dive Team BUNDLE by Heather Z Scraps

At the end of an exciting sporting event, it's time to celebrate the MVPs-- both the best players and the Most Valuable Pictures. Document those long days spent poolside with Little MVP: Dive Team. This kit has everything you need for a successful meet: bathing suits, swim caps, diving boards, goggles, and the divers themselves. There's also score cards, medals, the winner's stand, and labels for all of the different events. No matter the event, you can make a big splash with Little MVP: Dive Team.

This bundle includes:

17 bold patterned papers, 7 creased solid papers, 4 rectangular towel alphas (uppercase, numbers, and punctuation), 2 arrows, 1 backpack, 2 banners, 2 bathing suits, 2 binder clips, 2 borders, 1 bow, 3 brackets, 2 buttons, 1 cap, 1 chair, 2 clips, 1 conditioner, 4 coupons, 5 divers, 2 diving boards, 8 flowers, 3 frames (2 singles and 1 triple), 1 pair of goggles, 3 leaves, 1 medal, 1 pool shower, 6 ribbons, 2 ricrac, 1 scatter, 1 shampoo, 3 silhouettes, 1 splash, 1 staple, 2 stitching elements, 6 strings, 1 sunscreen, 2 swirls, 1 trim, 1 winner's, 20 score cards (whole and half points), 27 word bits
SKU HZ_MVP_diveteam_bundle
Our price: $13.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 546.64MB
Download Time
40 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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