Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Little MVP: Golf BUNDLE by Heather Z Scraps

Little MVP: Golf BUNDLE by Heather Z Scraps

Little MVP: Golf BUNDLE by Heather Z Scraps

At the end of an exciting sporting event, it's time to celebrate the MVPs-- both the best players and the Most Valuable Pictures. Document those fun days on the fairway with Little MVP: Golf. This kit can serve as your caddy, providing you with everything you need to make the perfect page: golf balls, clubs, tees, a trophy, score cards, golf carts, players, and even boldly patterned papers to match your favorite golf shorts. There's even a windmill and a mushroom-themed putting green for a touch of whimsy, as well as numerous flowers, ribbons, and strings to round out your layouts. Whether you prefer a full course or wacky holes of mini golf, you can scrap all the hole-in-one fun with Little MVP: Golf.

This bundle includes:

17 boldly patterned papers, 7 grunged solid papers, 8 full alphas (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and punctuation), 3 arrows, 1 golf ball, 1 banner, 2 borders, 3 bows, 1 boy, 1 butterfly, 1 charm, 1 clip, 1 divot marker, 1 driver, 3 flags, 8 flowers, 2 frames, 1 girl, 1 glove, 1 golf bag, 1 golf cart, 1 hat, 1 hold, 1 iron, 2 leaves, 1 paper clip, 2 pinwheels, 1 putter, 1 putting green, 5 ribbons, 2 ricrac, 1 scatter, 2 score cards, 1 shoe, 1 set of staples, 2 stitching elements, 6 strings, 2 swirls, 1 tag, 2 tape, 4 tees, 1 trophy, windmill, 36 word bits
SKU HZ_MVP_golf_bundle
Our price: $9.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 692.35MB
Download Time
51 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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