Home :: Embellishments :: Love Yourself Element Pack by The Scrappy Kat

Love Yourself Element Pack by The Scrappy Kat

Love Yourself Element Pack by The Scrappy Kat

This set of Zen "Love Yourself" elements celebrates me time! It is filled with 165 elements (including: plant, arrows, bamboo, banners, bath, towels, scrub brush, books, bubbles, candles, sweet treats, cupcakes, lotions, coffee, essential oils, incense, hearts, pitcher, dove charm, heart charm, koi, macaroons, meditating girl, mirror, pillow, robe, stars, tea, mugs, comb, butterflies, birds, camera, word art, journal cards, ribbons, bows, scatters, leaves, flowers and more!) Add it to your May Buffet collection.

SKU SKU93312
Our price: $6.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 347.37MB
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25 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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