Home :: Kits :: Magic in the Haunt kit by ScrapChat Designs

Magic in the Haunt kit by ScrapChat Designs

Magic in the Haunt kit by ScrapChat Designs

There is magic in the Halloween season. Beauty in the colors and decorations. A crispness to the air and time of year that brings fun events. Whether it's your favorite haunted place or trick or treat with your grandchildren, this kit with it's terrific mix of magical colors will help you remember the magic in the day. Magic in the Haunt kit contains 16 patterned papers, 16 cardstock and 70 elements. Layouts shown may contain products not included in this pack. Copyright ScrapChat Designs

SKU SKU87424
Market price: $6.49
Our price: $3.29
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 191.28MB
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14 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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