Home :: Paper Packs :: Mommy-isms {Papers} by Jumpstart Designs

Mommy-isms {Papers} by Jumpstart Designs

Mommy-isms {Papers} by Jumpstart Designs
Layout art created by cutiejo1 Layout art created by cinna Layout art created by janik Layout art created by janik Layout art created by Ellasspace Layout art created by Cherrylej Layout art created by bcgall00 Layout art created by Tinci Layout art created by Elizabeth22 Layout art created by zanthia Layout art created by andastra Layout art created by Rochelle86 Layout art created by Oldenmeade


This product includes:

  • 21 papers




All designs were created at 300ppi for excellent print quality.

Note - it is possible that sample layouts shown may include papers/elements/wordart and/or use templates that are not included with this product.



SKU Jumpstart_Mommy-isms_PPRS
Our price: $4.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 71.27MB
Download Time
5 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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