Home :: Kits-Mini :: Moody Blues - MEH - by Neia Scraps

Moody Blues - MEH - by Neia Scraps

Moody Blues - MEH - by Neia Scraps

This digital scrapbook page is a great way to capture all of your memories, not just the happy ones. It’s called “Moody Blues: Meh” by Neia Scraps and it’s perfect for when you’re feeling a little down or just need to vent. The blue theme is really calming and soothing, and the different shades of blue really make everything stand out. There are tons of different elements to choose from like flowers, ribbons, and buttons. They’re perfect for adding some extra personality to your scrapbooking and crafting projects. The page also has several word art such as “It’s just a bad day, not a bad life” and “Whatever”. They’re great reminders to stay positive and keep pushing forward no matter what life throws your way. If you’re looking for a way to capture all of your memories, even the tough ones, this kit is definitely the way to go!

Content: 8 Papers + 40 Elements

*All elements and papers are created at 300 dpi for quality printing in png (elements) and jpg (papers) format.
**Drop-shadows are for preview only.
***Personal Use, S4O/S4H OK.
**Please note** that layouts shown as additional images are samples of use and usually are made with the whole collection when there’s one. They might include elements or templates from other collections.
Please see Terms Of Use for more information. Or send me an email: neia.scraps@gmail.com

Designs by Neia
SKU neia-moodyblues-meh
Our price: $4.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 68.79MB
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