Home :: Embellishments :: Mourning Birds {Clusters #2} by Jumpstart Designs

Mourning Birds {Clusters #2} by Jumpstart Designs

Mourning Birds {Clusters #2} by Jumpstart Designs
Layout art created by nibylandia-11 Layout art created by RJMJ Layout art created by lady22 Layout art created by janik Layout art created by Renee Layout art created by lady22 Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by janik Layout art created by Olivia123 Layout art created by bryanna Layout art created by Chaos Lounge Layout art created by Caro Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by Chaos Lounge Layout art created by Grazyna Layout art created by Grazyna Layout art created by RJMJ


"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us knkow they are happy, and they want us to be happy too."  Whether you are missing a loved one or just scrapping about beautiful, everyday special moments, these beautiful colors will brighten your layouts!

This product includes:

  • 5 clusters

For questions, you can email me at JumpstartDesignsInc@gmail.com

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SKU Jumpstart_MBirds_Clusters_2
Our price: $4.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 32.82MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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