Home :: Embellishments :: Mr Wonderful Clusters by ScrapChat Designs and ButterlyDsign

Mr Wonderful Clusters by ScrapChat Designs and ButterlyDsign

Mr Wonderful Clusters by ScrapChat Designs and ButterlyDsign

Butterfly Dsign and ScrapChat Designs have joined again to create this new Men collection. With it's rich colors, it reminds us of our grandfathers. It, however, could be used for anyone young or old.

Mr Wonderful clusters contains 6 clusters with and without shadowing.

Layouts shown may contain products not included in this pack. Copyright ScrapChat Designs and Butterfly Dsigns
SKU SKU88304
Our price: $3.29
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 38.79MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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