Home :: Kits :: Mulled - Kit by Connie Prince

Mulled - Kit by Connie Prince

Mulled - Kit by Connie Prince
Mulled by Connie Prince CT Layout using Mulled by Connie Prince CT Layout using Mulled by Connie Prince CT Layout using Mulled by Connie Prince CT Layout using Mulled by Connie Prince CT Layout using Mulled by Connie Prince CT Layout using Mulled by Connie Prince CT Layout using Mulled by Connie Prince

Mulled - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes 16 pattern papers, 9 solid papers, 1 arrow label, 1 berry sprig, 1 scallop doodle border, 4 buttons, 2 sets of cinnamon sticks, 1 mug, 1 doiley, 3 ephemera elements, 2 feathers, 10 flowers, 1 fox, 1 frame, 1 gingerbread woman, 1 gingerbread man, 2 inked spots, 1 journla mat, 1 cheers label, 1 comfort & joy label, 1 feeling cozy label, 1 flavors of winter label, 1 winter label, 1 orange slice, 1 pine bough, 1 glitter pinecone sillhouette, 1 poinsettia, 1 quote, 3 ribbons, 3 snowflakes, 2 snowmen, 1 star anise, 1 squirrel, 1 stitch, 1 twig, 1 Christmas word, 1 delicious word, 1 Winter word, 1 Frosty mornings Toasty mugs label, 1 wreath 1 complete alpha/ number set (includes upper & lower case letters, numbers, & common punctuation). Scrap for hire / others ok.
SKU cap_mulledkit
Market price: $6.99
Our price: $6.99 $3.50 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 243.70MB
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18 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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