Home :: Paper Packs :: Music of the Earth: Rhythms of Nature Solids

Music of the Earth: Rhythms of Nature Solids

Music of the Earth: Rhythms of Nature Solids
Music of the Earth: Rhythms of Nature Solids

This pack includes 12 Jpeg files, 3600*3600 px, 300 dpi.

Rachel Jefferies and Larisa from Sarapullka Scraps have put their collective muses together to bring to fruition ‘Music of the Earth’. This collection has a musical theme but also explores how we are connected to nature, the ‘music’ of our planet Earth and how these influence our daily lives.

Both designers are incredibly influenced and inspired by Mixed Media and Nature and have designed their own collections independently but sharing the collective theme and colour scheme.
Please note that whilst Rachel and Larisa have collaborated to bring this collection to life this product only includes Music of the Earth products designed by Larisa from Sarapullka Scraps.
SKU SAR-Music-of-the-Earth-RON-Slds
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 47.71MB
Download Time
3 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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