Home :: Collabs And Duos :: Nature Boy Collab Kit by North Meets South Studios

Nature Boy Collab Kit by North Meets South Studios

Nature Boy Collab Kit by North Meets South Studios

Take a hike through the woods, then scrapbook the memories with this fun new collection from Connie Prince and Trixie Scraps Designs. Filled with lots of natural boyish touches, with plenty of embellishments for the girls, too, Nature Boy is a versatile collab with everything you need to document all your nature adventures, from camping to hiking, bug collecting and wildlife watching, and more. This full kit includes 24 papers (16 patterns and 8 coordinating solids, all 300dpi JPG format), 58 elements and a full woodgrain alpha (all 300dpi, PNG format). Approved for personal use, Scrap4Hire/Scrap4Others, too.

The elements included are: 1 set of arrows, 1 bow, 1 boy word, 1 set of wooden brads (in 5 colors), 5 chipboard bugs, 1 butterfly, 2 pieces of ephemera, 1 explorer word bubble, 3 flair, 1 flourish, 4 flowers, 1 circle frame, 2 plastic bugs, 1 leaf, 1 magnifying glass, 2 pine cones, 2 ribbons, 1 scatter, 1 plastic snake, 2 splatters, 6 stars, 1 string, 4 tags, 1 tape, 3 trees, 3 twigs and 5 wordart pieces. The alpha includes upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and common punctuation, all offered as both individual characters and in alpha sheet format.

SKU nmss_natureboy_kit
Our price: $6.99
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