Home :: Templates :: Nifty 50: State Words Bundle by Dear Friends Designs

Nifty 50: State Words Bundle by Dear Friends Designs

Nifty 50: State Words Bundle by Dear Friends Designs
LO by Kim LO by Teri LO by Jamie


With our state words template pack, you will be able to scrap your vacation or every day photos quickly and easily. The state shape in the template is perfect for journaling or to showcase your favorite photo(s) from your trip! They also make great title pages for vacation books!

Includes 100 - 12x12 templates, saved as layered PSD & TIFF files, individual PNG files. 3600x3600, 300 dpi! **DOES NOT INCLUDE PAGE FILES** Scrap for hire (S4H) and Scrap for others (S4O) OK!


SKU DFD_Nifty50: Words
Market price: $200.00
Our price: $35.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 584.73MB
Download Time
43 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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