Home :: Kits-Mini :: Not Today [Mini Kit] by Cindy Ritter

Not Today [Mini Kit] by Cindy Ritter

Not Today [Mini Kit] by Cindy Ritter
Layout by Chris Layout by Cindy Layout by Ruth Layout by Debbie

Not today is a fun, playful kit to remind us that its ok to stop putting everything and everyone else first. Procrastination isn't always a bad thing occasionally. It's ok to say no. Make time for you! 
26 Unique Elements
10 Papers
Sample layouts contain items from the entire collection. 
See preview for which papers and elements are included in the mini kit.
Created and saved at 300 dpi for best quality.
SKU rittc_nottoday_MINI
Market price: $3.99
Our price: $2.79
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 57.32MB
Download Time
4 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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