Home :: Alphas :: Ocean Tales: Alphas by LDragDesigns

Ocean Tales: Alphas by LDragDesigns

Ocean Tales: Alphas by LDragDesigns

If you  hear the waves lapping on the sand then I think the ocean is calling and you must go!This new collection  perfect for scrapping your trip to the beach, a lighthouse tour,  or the trip you’re dreaming about. Shades of blue  and yellow with a mix of greenery. So if you want to scrap your sea adventure you definitely need to grab this collection.

This product contains

6 assorted alphas with uppercase, lowercase, numbers and some punctuation

This product coordinates with

Ocean Tales: The kit

Ocean Tales: Cluster Frames

Ocean Tales: Journal Cards

Ocean Tales: Worn Out Papers

Ocean Tales: Embossed Papers

Ocean Tales: Glitterstyles

But if you want to have them all and SAVE

you can have The Collection

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SKU ldrag_ot_alphas
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 123.54MB
Download Time
9 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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