Home :: Alphas :: On the Bayou Alpha by Scraps N Pieces

On the Bayou Alpha by Scraps N Pieces

On the Bayou Alpha by Scraps N Pieces

Life can be slow and sweet or fast and fun, depending on where in New Orleans you go. On the Bayou celebrates the best parts of this beautiful southern city: a rich history, Cajun food, jazz music, and the bayou itself. The unusual color palate calls to mind a steaming bowl of gumbo: subdued pinks and greens, a splash of blue, and a pop of bright red. The patterns and elements are a fun blend of different scrapping traditions, running the gamut from playful doodled wildlife to timeless ephemera and everything in between. Featured motifs include the fleur de lis, musical notes, steamboats, delicious food, and life on the bayou. Thematic word strips and a corrugated alpha provide the perfect accompaniment. So whether your heart is in the French Quarter or out in the swamp, On the Bayou has something to satisfy everyone's taste.

This alpha is part of November 2017 Buffet - This bundled kit contains all of the combined pieces

  • alpha (uppercase only - individual PNGs)
Our price: $1.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 14.51MB
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