Our Months and Outline Months Whole Year Template Bundle by Miss Fish combines Our Months 1-3 Template with Layered and Outlined Monthly Titles templates to create a must have bundle. All together you get 12 templates and 12 fillable month titles to create a whole year of memories. You can scrap a week, a month, a trip and more. Perfect for new babies and for documenting your every day life. The blocks are designed to be customized by the scrapper by using a digital kit and embellishments to fit your theme. You can customize each page to be a representation of whatever you are scrapping. Whether you like to layere it on or keep it simple, these templates make a great base for your creation.
You get :Our Months 1 Templates, Our Months 2 Templates, Our Months 3 Templates plus Layered and Outlined Monthly Titles templates all together for one low price. 12, 12x12 digital templates at 300 dpi by 12 months of layered and fillable month titles on indivdiual layers to make it easy to customize. **Please note that Layered and Outlined Monthly Titles was part of the 2020 Holiday Gift for CT members - check your stash before purchasing**
Templates come in PSD, TIFF, PAGE and indivdiual PNG layered formats. Shadows are for preview purposes only and are not including in the layered template files.
Release 1/22/21