Home :: Templates :: Outline Alpha Lower Case Templates by Miss Fish

Outline Alpha Lower Case Templates by Miss Fish

Outline Alpha Lower Case Templates by Miss Fish

Outline Alpha Lower Case Templates by Miss Fish includes 26 lower case alphabet files letters a-z. Each letter comes in it's own layered file in PSD, TIFF and PAGE formats. Each letter includes it's own templates with a bottom layer AND a white outline layer that sits on top. You can use the bottom layer as a clipping mask or recolor the layer itself to create exactly what you are looking for to put on your page! Then you can layer the photos on your page in a variety of ways to create a custom look.

Please note: EAch letter comes in it's own layered file. You have to open each letter's layered file and then move that file to your layout. If you open these files on your layout they will not have the bottom and outline layers separated.

Please be advised shadows are not included on the layered template files. They are for preview purposes only. Alpha is for personal and CT use only*. You may NOT use this product to make your own templates to sell or giveaway, sell your finished pages to a customer, make a quick page* or a create custom alphabet for resale.

*This alpha may not be used by CT members to make quick pages for designers.

Release 1/25/19
SKU MFish_OutLineAlphaLo
Our price: $5.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 35.39MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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