Home :: CU- Designer Resources :: Doodles & Stamps :: Page Accent Doodles 02 by

Page Accent Doodles 02 by

Page Accent Doodles 02 by
Corn by Snickerdoodle Designs Corn by Snickerdoodle Designs

A set of 18 hand drawn doodles, to serve as page accents. Perfect to place behind photos or frames, blend into papers, or use as accents to direct your viewer's eyes to your focal point.

These doodles are large, and some have been resized for preview purposes. 300 dpi; PNG format.

18 hand drawn scribbles; PNG format; 300 dpi

Terms of Use:
Commercial Use | Personal Use | Scrap for Hire



SKU sd-page-doodles02
Our price: $4.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 9.97MB
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