Home :: Kits :: Paint Chips Alexandrite - Kit by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Alexandrite - Kit by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Alexandrite - Kit by Connie Prince
Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince Paint Chips Alexandrite by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Alexandrite - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes: 12 patterned papers, 5 solid papers, & 50 elements including: 2 bows, 1 butterfly, 4 buttons, 4 coasters, 1 date label, 1 heart, 2 ephemera elements, 8 flowers, 3 frames, 1 geo, 1 inked spot, 1 journal tag, 1 key, 1 authentic label, 1 fabulous label, 1 genuine label, 1 original label, 1 you are a limited edition label, 1 paint chip, 4 ribbons, 2 stars, 1 stitched element, 1 string, 1 piece of tape, 2 twigs, 1 Alexandrite word art, 1 Happiness word art, 1 Unique word art Scrap for hire / others ok.

SKU cap_PCAlexandrite
Market price: $5.99
Our price: $5.99 $3.00 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 126.80MB
Download Time
9 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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