Home :: Embellishments :: Party Under The Stars: Borders by LDragDesigns

Party Under The Stars: Borders by LDragDesigns

Party Under The Stars: Borders by LDragDesigns

Awesome night sunset colours, cocktails and stars can be found in this beautiful collection!

This product contains

5 borders in png format, available in shadowed and non-shadowed versions

This product coordinates with

Party Under The Stars: the kit

Party Under The Stars: Journal Cards

Party Under The Stars: Worn Out Papers

Party Under The Stars : Alphas

Party Under The Stars: Glitterstyles

but if you want them all packed together you can grab the collection

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SKU ldrag_puts_bor
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 83.24MB
Download Time
6 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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