Home :: Templates :: Photo Stackers 1 Templates by Miss Fish

Photo Stackers 1 Templates by Miss Fish

Photo Stackers 1 Templates by Miss Fish

Photo Stackers 1 Templates by Miss Fish offers scrappers 4, 12x12 digital scrapbook templates with fun photo stacks. This set also offers room for a large title and journaling. These templates help you get your memories scrapped fast. You can add additional clusters and embellishments easily for a customized look. Templates come in PSD, TIFF, PAGE and individual PNG layered files. Shadows are for preview purposes only and are not included on the layered template files. Release 1/25/19

SKU MFish_PhotoStacker1
Market price: $4.40
Our price: $3.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 17.05MB
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Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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