Home :: Templates :: Photobook Creator White Photo Borders Medium by Ilonka's Designs

Photobook Creator White Photo Borders Medium by Ilonka's Designs

Photobook Creator White Photo Borders Medium by Ilonka's Designs

This product contains:

- 16 white photo borders from 3600 x 3600 - 600 x 600 pixels and 300 dpi in PNG format

- you can adjust the color of the borders if you wish. Simply put the border on your photobook page or layout and put a picture behind it. Works best if you use a photo as background on your page.

- This product is for Personal Use (PU)

File: ZIP. Please read my TOU before you start using this products, thank you. This product is a digital product.
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SKU ID-photobookcreatorbordersmedium
Our price: $3.75
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 976.17KB
Download Time
Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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