Home :: Embellishments :: Pop Quiz Painted Edges by J. Conlon and Sons

Pop Quiz Painted Edges by J. Conlon and Sons

Pop Quiz Painted Edges by J. Conlon and Sons

Document the excitement of a new school year with the 'Pop Quiz' digital scrapbooking collection. Featuring elements like books, pencils, and school test accessories, this kit is perfect for documenting everything from first-day jitters to academic achievements.

6 12x12 PNGs

All PNGs and/or JPGs are 300 dpi. Drop shadows are for preview only. Sample layouts may include items from other products not included. This is a downloadable, digital product. No items will be shipped to you. For personal use only. Please read the terms of use document in the download file.
SKU SKU106537
Our price: $3.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 28.91MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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