Home :: Kits :: Rainbows and Unicorns FULL KIT by Heather Z Scraps

Rainbows and Unicorns FULL KIT by Heather Z Scraps

Rainbows and Unicorns FULL KIT by Heather Z Scraps

Some things are trends that go in and out of fashion but happiness is timeless. Whether you're a product of the 80s, a child of the 90s, or scrapping stories of the coolest kid you know, you're going to fall in love with Rainbows and Unicorns. This brightly-colored kit is absolutely magical – full of shooting stars, butterflies, flowers, unicorns, and rainbows. The playful patterned papers appeal equally to kids and kids at heart. So scrap the stories of your Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper *and* back to school shopping at Justice – or whatever your story may be – with Rainbows and Unicorns.

This kit includes: 8 solid papers, 16 patterned papers, 2 arrows, 2 binder clips, 3 borders, 2 bows, 1 bracket, 1 butterfly, 2 buttons, 1 rainbow charm, 1 cloud, 1 doily, 10 flowers, 2 frames, 1 girl, 3 hearts, 5 journal cards, 2 leaves, 1 paper clip, 4 rainbows, 8 ribbons, 2 ric racs, 1 scatter, 1 stitches, 6 strings, 1 sun, 3 swirls, 1 tag, 1 tree, 5 unicorns, 2 word arts, 6 full alphabets (upper, lower, numbers 0-9, and select characters)

SKU HZ_RaU_fullkit
Our price: $7.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 583.60MB
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