Home :: Kits :: Reflections [Kit] by Cindy Ritter

Reflections [Kit] by Cindy Ritter

Reflections [Kit] by Cindy Ritter
Layout by Debbie Layout by Chris Layout by Arline Layout by Lou

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see your real self? Do you see the person you dream of being? Reflection is a gorgeous floral collection with a touch of steampunk created to help you scrap the best moments on your road to self discovery. It's also perfect for everyday, documenting emotions, birthdays and stunning garden layouts.

68 unique elements
18 unique papers + 1 variation 
12 solid papers

Sample layouts may contain items from the entire collection. 
Full size. 
Created and saved at 300 dpi for best quality. 
SKU rittc_reflections_kit
Our price: $7.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 232.48MB
Download Time
17 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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