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Robotic - Kit

Robotic - Kit

A collection for tinkerers, builders and robot lovers. Robotic -Kit includes 23 papers (14 patterns and 9 solids), stickers (3 robots, screwdriver, wrench, pliers, chevrons, 2 frames, 2 borders), foiled elements (2 arrows, lightning bolt, 8 stars), 5 metal plates, 2 metal plate frames, metal hex plate, paint, 6 gears, 3 nuts, wrench, 3 screws, washer, screw scatter, bolt, 2 wires, 7 ribbons, leaf sprig, 5 duct tape flowers, 3 zipper flowers, cord with plug, confetti (shadowed and unshadowed), and a bow. SFH/SFO friendly

SKU GGI0116_CK-ROB-kit
Our price: $7.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 187.85MB
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